Monday, June 28, 2010

"What is written in these pages I suppose will someday be read by others than myself. For this reason I cannot hope to be absolutely honest in what is herein recorded, for the hypocrisy of this shamming heart will ever be putting on a front and dares not write what is actually found in its abysmal depths. Yet, I pray Lord, that you will make these notations to be as nearly true to fact as is possible, that I may know my own heart and be able to definitely pray regarding my gross, though often unrecognized, inconsistencies. I do this because I have been aware that my quiet time with God is not what it should be. These remarks are to be written from fresh, daily thoughts given from God, in meditation on His word." -written by Jim Elliot on January 18, 1948

I write this quote at the beginning of my journal books, and it seemed fitting for this, as well. This 'blog', however, will come no where near the personal nature of my journals. Although I sometimes wonder how our world would be if all of our pains and struggles and guilts were written on our shirts for everyone to see, I am not brave enough to begin that here.

Why am I beginning a blog? Good question. I, for some time, have viewed blogs in a kind of negative light. It seemed to be highly opinionated people who would rant at the air, and most likely never doing any real action toward their desires. It also seems that blogs are usually written with a pessimistic air about them (except for the blog belonging to Stephen Pastis). Maybe that's just the few I've perused, though. That is not my desire. In fact, I don't plan to share any strong opinions on here.

I am beginning a blog to keep myself accountable. To ensure that I have a pulse. What I mean by that is that I don't want my experiences as a 21 year old to be the apex of my living. I want to document the more interesting things I do in my life. For myself, and for whoever cares to maybe draw some inspiration and live life. The url for this blog is drawn from another Jim Elliot quote. "God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn up for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you, Lord Jesus." That is my desire. I don't want to settle down, I don't want to take root somewhere. I don't want to be the follower of Christ who hugs the balance beam of life for 80 years and jumps off at the end, thinking they deserve a gold medal for their performance. (youtube search Francis Chan) I'm sure that over time I'll explain more some of the stories, people, and plans that have driven me to begin this.

I am also beginning a blog because I love to write. Really. I have often thought that a newspaper column would be a lot of fun, and since the newspaper industry is imploding, I thought I'd try this. I feel that writing is very beneficial, and if you ever see any grammatical errors, I invite you to correct me. I am always trying to learn this confusing language.

I won't say much more or set any standards for this, because this could just be the one and only post I ever write. I do have a segment of a speech that I will probably share soon, but I'm on my way to a baseball game. Why? Because I like baseball. And I'd probably just sit at home and watch a movie, otherwise. It's also a beautiful evening and a great excuse to jump on my scooter.

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