Thursday, April 14, 2011

Grandpa Tom

On March 21, which was earlier this week (when I typed this), my grandpa turned 88 years old. Grandpa Stockeland. I visited my grandpa and grandma two days earlier at their home in Binford, North Dakota. There are some things I feel compelled to share about my grandpa. Two things, I suppose.

Thing one:
My grandpa served in the US Navy during WWII. He never speaks much about his service, but I know it has had an impact on him and the generations that have followed. When I was in early high school my family watched an old, rather patriotic movie. I was on the front steps of my parents house reflecting on the movie (I was an odd little kid), and my parents were having a conversation inside. They weren’t aware that I could hear them. My dad was talking about the movie, and he became emotional when he began talking about his father and his generation and the sacrifice that he made in WWII for his country. I don’t remember exactly what was said, but it was clear that my father had a profound respect for my grandfather. That night I became a very patriotic young man.

In a journal that I kept during my first deployment to Iraq I noted several reasons that led to my joining the military. One of the reasons was, “All of my grandfathers served our country in WWII. ...I joined because of/out of respect for my grandfathers and the sacrifices they made for this country and for the future generations of their family.” June 6, 2006. (June 6 is the anniversary of D-Day)

Thing two:
In mid-July of 2008 I visited my grandparents, also at their home in North Dakota. It was a beautiful sunny day with a light wind. As we sat down to eat dinner Grandpa prayed. My Grandpa’s prayer was the most reverent, sincere prayer I have ever heard. There was an evident weariness in his voice from his age and the work that he had been doing around the house that day. It made his prayer barely audible, just above a whisper. The bits that I remember vividly were his gratefulness for the sun, for the warmth that it provides. He also thanked God for the meal He provided, and that it would give us the strength needed to continue to serve Him.
I just assume that when I eat a hearty meal, I won’t be hungry. If I’m in a workout mindset I may consider the energy it provides, but that’s rare. At his age, however, my grandpa was dependent on the calories of this meal to go back outside and continue working in the yard, all to the glory and honor of God. That day I became sincerely grateful for the most expected, yet undeserving blessings from God.

That is all. Happy Birthday, Grandpa.

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