Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Gargantuan Spoon

I've lived in Minneapolis for a little while now, and yet I never have been to this mythical sculpture park. Until today. I was able to enjoy a nice bike ride before the clouds came in, but that's completely irrelevant to my story. I rode my scooter to the sculpture. I've officially ridden her over 4,000 miles since my purchase last June.
So yeah, the park.
There were a lot of wedding parties taking pictures, and a lot of couples walking hand in hand. Others were laying on a blanket or sitting on park benches. Families were also there. I saw a grandma point out a rabbit sculpture. Then her granddaughter began imitating a rabbit hopping down the sidewalk. I also saw a dad quickly backstepping to take pictures of his daughter running toward him. A minute later the daughter was walking backward across the park. I thought that was cool. I also thought is was kinda daunting, knowing that children notice everything. And imitate it.
Of all the people at the park, though, I felt that I related most with a goose. A Canadian one. He just sat quietly by the park while people steered clear. Seemed pretty content, though.
After a while I saw two kids with bags making a beeline for the content goose. They stopped about 10 feet short and began lobbing chunks of bread the size of the goose's head at him. They both kept throwing bread with impressive rapidity until their bags were gone. I'm not sure if the goose managed to eat any of the head-sized bread rolls because he retreated to cover behind a small berm by the spoon.

The last verse of Ephesians speaks about believers who love Christ with a love incorruptible. Incorruptible love for Christ.

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