Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Desiring God


The link above is video or audio of the Francis Chan session at the Desiring God conference. If for nothing else, watch it because he's engaging and has awesome humor.

The wealth of information will, Lord-willing, come through my thoughts and actions for quite some time, so I won't go into much detail on the messages. I will say that the Francis Chan message was powerful. It was convicting, challenging, and encouraging. I recommend it. I also recommend his books. I think I already have in a previous blog. I recommend them again.

It was a joy to be able to see Brady and spend some time with him and his family, as well as Matt coming over. It was fun to endure his visit.

God is up to something in my life. Prayer is more real to me than it's ever been, and I can feel God's leading in my life, which is something I've been resistant to for longer than I care to think about.

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