Friday, July 23, 2010

I have a pulse

As I stated before, one of my purposes for this thing was to keep myself accountable in the area of living life. To make sure I was doing things in my life that were.. I suppose.. worth writing about. In my mind, at least.
I think the first such experience occurred on Wednesday, July 21, when I soloed in a plane for the first time. My lack of employment has turned out to be a blessing, as I have had the time to learn to fly. I have no goal, purpose, or plan for learning to fly other than simply knowing how to fly. My brother has been a pilot for 15 years, and through some of his connections, I am able to borrow a plane for free, which is wonderful. Last Saturday I began lessons and 5 days later, the instructor got out and I did some takeoffs and landings. It was pretty neat. I'm nowhere near completely licensed yet, (just a student pilot) but I hope to be there by the time college starts this fall. I don't want to just exist, I want to live life. And I don't want to just live, I want to experience life. Right now, I feel like I'm doing that. And I praise and thank God for the abilities and opportunities to enjoy his creation. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats John! That sounds like an amazing experience. Glad to see you taking a step back and making sure you are living your life in a way you're proud of. More people need to do this! Embrace the day!
