Sunday, January 30, 2011

Studies Show Sneezing Leads to Reduced Brain Capacity

I was getting around this morning, and an abstract memory popped into my thoughts. It was probably from 12 or so years ago. I had needed to sneeze, so I plugged my nose. My mom was doing some knitting or something at the kitchen island and said, "That's not good for you." I was curious (and probably a teenager) so I asked, "Why?" Her response has stuck with me. "Because you'll blow your brains out." She said it completely straight faced, without even looking up from her work. I've seldom known my mom to have a whip-smart sense of humor, so I was pretty confused.

Normally, my mother has a very medically sound reason for things, as she is a nurse. But this time was different. I think she did expand on her argument to support her initial claim, but I don't remember that stuff.

She also, being a good, cautious mother, usually assumed the worst.

Me: "Mom, I don't feel well."
Mom: "You probably have incurable cancer."

Me: "Mom, I have a stomach ache."
Mom: "You probably have incurable cancer."

Mom: "That cough doesn't sound good. You may have pneumonia."

Me: "Mom, lookit this scar I have from a sunburn!"
Mom: "It's probably skin cancer. Way to go."

Me: "Mom. I think I have incurable cancer."
Mom: "You're fine. Stop complaining and eat your breakfast."

Or as my father once said during a sermon, "Our family doesn't get headaches, we get brain-tumors."

Well for the most part, she was concerned. (She is very gifted at diagnosing the weird ailments I experience, even over skype.) I don't remember the real reason for not plugging your nose when you sneeze, but I've stopped.

I love you, mom.

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