Friday, January 28, 2011

Would you rather?

Would you rather wake up an hour before you needed to, or sleep an hour later than you planned to?

I'm awake this morning. But I shouldn't be. In my absentmindedness last night I set my alarm one hour earlier than I needed to. As I've been getting around, I've been feeling a little more fatigued than normal. I was even in my bathroom pondering how I can get up on 5 hours of sleep with no problem, but I could sleep 8 hours, and unless there's a pressing matter to get up for (i.e. school, work) I'm prone to abuse my snooze button.

This happened once last semester, although I didn't realize it until I was already at the bus stop and traffic seemed really light. It was 6am. The free buses don't start running until 7am. In that instance, though, I accidentally moved my clock ahead an hour in my sleep, so I thought it was the right time all morning.

Some things I've observed in this new semester:

60% of my psychology class believes in God.
9% of my psychology class believes in the creation theory.
I felt like those two percentages should have been a bit closer together.

Young men sometimes battle in a fashion similar to mountain goats. Two guys were having a heated discussion yesterday and they began leaning into each other with their heads and shoulders. Their arms were at their side. It looked more like an aggressive hug than a fight. But one leaned the other into a sign, and a more theatrically appropriate fight broke out, with wide, sweeping 'punches' and coat pulling (hoods were utilized, as well). I intervened before they embarrassed themselves any further. They obliged my firm request that they leave the campus.

In a class discussion one morning, I assumed my post in the front row as the classroom began filling up with students. Eventually, the entire room was filled except for two seats. The seat on my left, and the seat on my right. Normally, I'm a fan of having some elbow room in class, but this unusual phenomenon was somewhat disconcerting for me. I had showered that morning, and I even remembered a little cologne, but for some reason I was ostracized from the rest of the class. I will continue to study this in coming weeks.

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