Thursday, November 25, 2010

Not my thoughts. That's why they're good.

"Satan himself cannot stop us, not sign our death certificate, without the permission of Almighty God."

We'll appreciate your continued intercession. Pray with us that God will, out of the debris of this battle, challenge the hearts of many who still don't know the blessing of all-out abandonment to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the job He wants us to do in simple obedience. The world is dying for want of a Savior-yet so many who profess to love Him are still living 'business as usual' lives, cheating themselves of the 'high calling of God in Christ Jesus.'"

"God only know how often I've had occasion to hate my old cocky nature. I hate it... but I'm grateful that when sanctified it can be a somewhat useful sort of nature."

"God has been so good to us-even counting us able to suffer a little. It's been tough in spots but He has always supplied the needed grace, hasn't He?"

"We know that there is only one answer when our country demands that we share in the price of freedom-yet when the Lord Jesus asks us to pay the price for world evangelization, we often answer without a word. We cannot go. We say it costs too much."

Missionaries constantly face expendability. And people who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives. They forget that when their lives are spent and the bubble has burst they will have nothing of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted."

"Those who know the joy of leading a stranger to Christ... gladly count themselves expendable. And they count it all joy."

-All quotes were written by Nate Saint in the months after surviving a bad plane crash.

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